Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Post Production

After finishing our filming the following week we started to edit our work using MAC Computers and  Final cut pro and logic pro programmes. 
We had several shots so as a group we had to decide which ones to use in our final piece of work, most of the footage's weren't so good due to lighting but we managed to find the perfect ones to use. We used Final cut programme to edit the film, motion, cut, and the effects. Karina and Micheal were editing , while Lyden and Me were focusing on the sound track using logic pro. As a group we all took turns in the soundtrack and editing and we all gave our opinions and suggestions on what kind of soundtrack we want and had a final decision altogether. While the group were busy I was cutting the shots and putting them in order and making sure they were in perfect places. Using both programmes was very difficult and confusing as it was my first time but i got used to it. After we decided to add black and white effects to represent the flashbacks and it is easier for the audience to be able to know the differences we also added dissolves and fades to make the scenes drift in and out. Later i decided that making the flashback slow would be a good idea and another thing to make it easier for the audience to figure out that it is a flashback, so at the top tabs there was a motion bar which you can either make the shot faster or slower. I decided to slow it down and to add shock and suspense i left one of them at a normal speed which was fast anyway and this was where the killer grabs he girl.
Some of the scenes we wanted to include in our film somehow got lost or deleted and as a group we started to get frustrated but we were lucky we had a lot of shots and enough to locate them and put them in a 2 minutes sequence.
I personally think that the editing stage was the easiest it was just too long and boring. At first I was scared that none of us know the programme we are using enough and we had booklets to help us and our teachers to who teach ed us the basics of the programme but I was stressing we wouldn't be able to get the editing done in time.


  1. Cansu you have made reference to the process you went through during post production in order to crate your final product. Aim to state what you learnt during the process of making the soundtrack and what you feel you have achieved reflecting on your final product.

  2. I would also upload your final production here.
